Developed Method and Modelling of Three-phase Transformer Vector Groups Using ANSYS Maxwell

Document Type : Original Article


Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University


This paper presents a developed method to connect the terminals of low voltage (LV) and high voltage (HV) windings of any given vector group connection. This method is validated by modeling different types of vector groups of three-phase transformers using three-dimensional ANSYS Maxwell. Also, it is based on drawing transformer vector group connection on clock showing phase displacement. For a given transformer vector group connection, the connection between the terminals of LV and HV windings can be deduced by using this method. Different connections of high and low voltage windings can be simulated using a three-dimensional ANSYS Maxwell based on finite elements method. The three-dimensional model of three-phase transformer indicates the winding direction, which affects transformer vector groups. The paper also describes how winding connection and phase angle between the high line voltage and Low line voltage. The paper’s objective is to understand and apply this method for a given transformer vector group. And, how to model different types of transformer vector groups using three-dimensional ANSYS Maxwell to obtain comparative analysis. The transformer vector groups are very important in the transformer parallel operation.


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