Durability Improvement of Self Compacting Recycled Aggregate Concrete Using Marble Powder

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Civil Engineering,Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University

2 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Port Said University

3 Department of Civil Engineering,Faculty of Engineering, Port Said University


Marble powder is available in various parts of the world abundantly as there is a great demand of marble stones. The particle size of this material is marginally courser compared to cement and fly ash. In the present study, results of an experimental study to show the possibility of use of marble powder in self-compacting concrete (SCC) , it clearly shows that Marble powder can be used in SCC. Different SCC mixes were produced with cement contents of 450 kg/m3, 50% RCA replacement and 3% admixture while the used filler material was 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. The effect of MP on key fresh properties such as filling ability, passing ability and segregation resistance of SCC were investigated and the effects on RCA hardened concrete such as compressive and indirect splitting strengths , abrasion resistance , Cantabro test and RCPT test to improve durability. The test result revealed that the filling ability, passing ability and segregation resistance of SCC were improved for 30% and 40% MP. The test result of hardened concrete revealed that mixes up to 20% MP give normal strength and mix with 10% MP improves durability. The overall test results suggest that using 10% MP as partial replacement of cement produce SCC without affecting the key fresh properties of concrete and improved durability.
